Jim Carrey was born and raised in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. He has been a naturalized US citizen since 2004 but retains citizenship in Canada. Carry raised the Catholics who distributed Presbyterianism and recently signed the New Age Spiritism of Eckharttor.
He was educated by Catholics, but he passed the elders union of later years. Despite the call of his merry man, he gains the feeling of learning as a complex and searching person as he studies Carrie. He has sought spiritual answers since childhood and spoke about what was inspired by Buddha 2, but also expressed distrust of systematic religion 3.
He joked about Scientologist 4 and has not joined Kabbalah yet, but seemed to be tied to Oprah’s most beloved religious religion, the cult of Eckhart Tolle.
Great New Age is a bit ambiguous, and general spirituality has cast another spell on a celebrity. Carrie, however, seems to be a wise man, so maybe something is missing. He talked about Toll’s first GATE event (a global transformation alliance) and it seemed very serious.
Political Views
Carrie speaks positively about President Obama and supports one or two causes of liberalism. But his political interest seems to lie outside the United States.
Carrie expresses a sense of political situation, probably outside the United States, even outside of North America, because he is Canadian. He is an advocate of democracy, distributes the video, and plays a video showing support for Aung San Suu Kyi, a Democratic activist in Burma.
Religion: Catholic
Nationality: American