
Lisa Nicole Cloud Ethnicity, Race and Nationality

For those of you who are fans of television show “Married to Medicine”, you must know Lisa Nicole Cloud. She is American businesswoman who focused on direct selling on technology and telecommunication industry. She has established her name as Ms. Millionaire Maker. As for your information, Lisa Nicole Cloud was born in Maryland on October 15, 1973. She began her business career as a sales representative of pharmaceutical company. Then, her skills always growing in direct sales field. And now, she is being a consultant business for many big companies including Telecommunication companies, Healthcare, Sports, Entertainments and many more.

Many of people are curious about Lisa Nicole Cloud ethnicity background. There are no much information related to her ancestry. But based on her appearance, we can say that she is biracial ethnic. Her dark skin shows us that she is biracial. It seems she is African – American descent. Some sources also stated that she has Indian descent. In addition, Lisa Nicole Cloud recently married to Dr. Darren Nauges and they have two children now. Do you have any information regarding to her parents? Please share with us by leaving comment below.

Name: Lisa Nicole Cloud

Ethnicity: African – American

Nationality: American