
Amanda Cerny Ethnicity, Race and Nationality

For those of you who are active in social medias like Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Vine, you must know Amanda Cerny. She is American model who has powerful effect in social medias. Based on our research, she has more than 18 millions followers on Instagram, and more than 5 millions on Vine.

Her name became more popular after she always gossiped for having relationship with Justine Bieber. As for your information, Amanda Cerny was born in Pennsylvania on June 26, 1991. Her first movie was The Bet in 2016.

Many of people on social medias are curious about her ethnicity background.
As you can see at her appearance, her white skin, and facial features show us that she like having European ancestry. And that’s true, recently she revealed her ethnicity on his twitter by saying that she is Italian, Germany and Czech.

Name: Amanda Cerny

Ethnicity: Italian, Germany, Czech

Nationality: American