
The Weeknd Religion, Beliefs and Real Name

As everybody knows, the song Starboy has make The Weeknd being recognized by many people around the world as a great singer. The song was huge popular and it topped at the music charts in several countries. Recently, many of people are curious about The Weeknd religious views. It is not secret anymore that The Weeknd childhood life was very though. He addicted to drugs and it made his life broke.

Back to his religion, as just for your information, the real name of The Weeknd is Abel Tesfaye, based on the trusted sources, it is Biblical name. His parents are considered as devout Christian and and his mother often attended Ethiopian Orthodox Church. And it seems that he has a bit of believe on Christian as his faith. There are no much information related to his Christian faith but recently he donated some money St. Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Canada.

Name: The Weeknd

Religion: Orthodox Christian