Abraham Harold Maslow was the first of seven children. His parents were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia. Maslow was young first studying law at the City College of New York (CCNY), but after three semesters he moved to Cornell, and then returned to CCNY.
B.A degree. he won in 1930, while the M.A. followed in 1931, and a Ph.D. in 1934; all of them he got in psychology from The University of Wisconsin. A year after graduating from his doctoral program, he returned to New York to work with EL Thorndike at Columbia, where Maslow began to be interested in researching human sexuality.
Born in April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York, the United States began teaching full-time at Brooklyn College since 1937. During this time, he met with many European intellectuals who immigrated to the United States, and Brooklyn in particular, like Adler, Fromm, Horney, as well as several Gestalt and Freudian psychologists.
Later, Maslow served as chairman of the psychology department at Brandeis in the period (1951-1969). This is where Maslow began developing ideas and creating his most famous theory, namely the hierarchy of needs. Outside of air, water, food, and sex, he places five broader layers (sequence based on the interests of fulfillment): physiological needs, needs for safety and security, love and belonging needs, the need for appreciation, and the need to actualize oneself.
Maslow’s books are easy to read and full of interesting ideas. The best known are Toward a Psychology of Being (1968), Motivation and Personality (1954 and 1970), and The Further Reaches of Human Nature (1971). In addition, there are also many articles written by Maslow, especially in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, which one of the pioneers is Maslow himself.
He spent his final year in California, until on June 8, 1970 he died of a heart attack due to a long-standing illness.
Field of Law at City College of New York
He holds a B.A. in 1930, M.A. in 1931, and Ph.D in 1934 from the University of Wisconsin
Teaching at Brooklyn College (1937)
Full Name: Abraham Harold Maslow
Alias: No Alias
Profession: Scientist
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York, United States
Date of Birth: Wednesday, April 1, 1908
Zodiac: Aries
Citizen: America