Ashley Greene Ethnicity, Race, Religion and Nationality

Michele Ashley Greene or better known as Ashley Greene who was born in Florida, February 21, 1987. Her interest in the entertainment world began when the daughter of the couple Joe and Michele Greene wanted to become a model.

Unfortunately, she was hampered by the problem of proportional height as a model. Greene didn’t give up, she took acting classes and immediately fell in love with acting and preferred acting to models.


Greene began appearing on television series, such as PUNK’D in 2005, CROSSING JORDAN and DESIRE in 2006. Her name began to soar since starring in the best-selling film TWILIGHT by Stephenie Meyer as Alice Cullen.

After that the offer to play the film artist who is also the star of the iPod advertisement began to arrive a lot. Among other things to play in SKATELAND, SUMMER, RADIO FREE ALBEMUTH, WARRIOR and the sequel to the movie TWILIGHT, NEW MOON. All of these films circulated in theaters in 2009.