Many of people are curious about Dave Chappelle decision when he converted to Islam in 1998. As everybody knows, he is a Muslim now, he converted to be a Muslim since 1998 but public know it in 2005 when he revealed his religion to Time magazine. Everybody must agree that Dave Chappelle is one of the best stand up comedians on earth. His name known widely after he had his own show Chappelle’s Show from 2003 to 2006. Then, many people claimed that he is the best stand up comedian alive. He often stand up with several subjects including African-American culture, black people, racism, politics and morality.
As for your information, Dave Chappelle was born in Wahsington D.C on August 24, 1973. His father William David Chappelle III was black African Ethnic and his mother Yvonne K Chappelle Seon is a half white from Grenada. There is no much information about her parents religious views, but it seems to be Catholic.
Back to his religion, Dave Chappelle decided to be a Muslim after he visited South Africa. At an interveiew, he said that Islam is a beautiful religion if you learn it in right way. It seems that he converted to Muslim after he enjoyed the Muslim environments in South Africa especially in Durban.
How about his political views?
There is no much information found about Dave Chappelle political views, but it seems that he like Democrat Party more than Republic.
Name: Dave Chappelle
Religion: Islam
Ethnicity: African – American
Political Views: Democrat