We can say that the American baseball living legend Derek Jeter is half black and half white. As everybody knows, Derek Jeter was great baseball player who play to New York Yankes. During his career, he had got many awards including five Gold Glove Awards, five New York Yankees Player of the Year, two Hank Aaron Awards and many others.
As for your information, Derek Jeter was born in New Jersey on June 26, 1974. He is considered for having biracial ethnic background. His father Sanderson Charles Jeter is known for having African – American descent. His paternal great grandparents Bustee Jeter and Minnie Palmore were slaves from Africa.
Derek Jeter also known as a half white man, his white ethnic comes from his mother side Dorothy Connors who has European ancestry of Irish, Germany and English. At an occasion, Derek Jeter took DNA test, and here is the result. He is 44% Irish and English, 40% West African, 12% Norther Europe and the rests belong to Native American, French and Germany. Some people also claimed that he has Italian descent. What do you think guys?
Name: Derek Jeter
Ethnicity: African – American, Irish – English
Nationality: American