The name of Guillermo del Toro noticed by public after his films Hell Boy, Blade, Pasific Rim, The Shape of Water were became successful movies. As for your information, he was born Guadalajara, Mexico on October 9, 1964. His childhood life was very tough, he lost his mom and his siblings at an accident, his father also kidnapped
We can say that Guillermo del Toro ethnicity is 90% Mexican. Both of his parents Federico del Toro and Guadalupe Gomez were from Mexico. Some sources also stated that he has some of Spanish and a bit of Native American descent. How about Guillermo del Toro religious views? He is known as devout Catholic, at an interview he said that he was raised in strict Catholic family. At an interview, he also said that he mercifully lapsed as a Catholic.
Name: Guillermo del Toro
Religion: Catholic
Ethnicity: Mexican, Spanish, Native American
Nationality: Mexican, American