The name of Jason Day may not familiar in celebrity world. But, his name is so famous in the world of athlete. Everybody must be agree that Jason Day is one of the best golf players in the world. Jason Day began his professional career in 2006, and until now he got number one of world golf ranking player in 2016. Besides his career, many people curious about his ethnic background. As everybody knows, his face looks like having Asian descent. Let’ we discuss it more detail.
Jason day was born in Queensland, Australia on November 12, 1987. He has mix races from Asian and Australian. Jason Day’s father Alvin is having Australian – Irish ancestry, and his mom Dening is Filipino. Jason Day has so many families in Philippine including his grandmother lived there. At an interview, Jason Day said that he is a half Australian and a half Filipino. And he is proud to be a part of Filipino.
Name: Jason Day
Ethnicity: White, Filipino – Australian
Nationality: Australian