Many people said that Rashida Jones’ skin is very tan. Even a reporter said that she is just like come from an island. As for your information, Rashida Jones skin is natural; she is mixed from several races. Everybody must be agree that she is a great actress in Hollywood, no wonder people curious about what her ethnic is. Let’s we discuss about her roots more details. Rashida Jones was born in Los Angeles, February 25, 1976. Her father is Quincy Jones, a musician produces who has African descent especially Cameroon. No wonder, his skin is a little black. How about Rashida Jones’ mother?
Rashida Jones’ mother is Peggy Lipton, a veteran actress and model; she has Russian and Latvian descent. So, the tan skin of Rashida Jones is natural because she is mixed African and European descent. She also stated in many times that she was considering herself as black. But for some people, they believe that Rashida Jones is white tan American woman. So, what do you think? In Addition, there is DNA test of Rashida Jones revealed that 64% of her ethnicity is African and the rest is European.
Name: Rashida Jones
Ethnicity: Black, African – European
Nationality: American
Parents: Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton