Tom Sizemore has a long name Thomas Edward Sizemore Jr., born in Detroit, Michigan, USA, September 29, 1964. Tom’s film debut through Oliver Stone’s direction film, BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY (1989), followed by his film HARLEY DAVIDSON AND THE MARLBORO MAN (1991), TRUE ROMANCE (1993), NATURAL BORN KILLERS (1994) and HEAT (1995).

Meanwhile, his role is Lt. Vincent D’Agosta in the film, based on the Douglas J. Preston novel, THE RELIC (1995), became a successful role he had starred in.
Following then the success role as Sgt. Mike Horvath in SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, Burchenal in RED PLANET, Sgt. Earl Sistern in PEARL HARBOR and his role as Lt. Col. Danny McKnight in BLACK HAWK DOWN became his success path.
In addition, the band member of Day 8 also supported the successful film DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS and filled Sonny Forelli’s voice in the GRAND THEFT AUTO: VICE CITY video game. And in 2004, he also starred in the film directed by Paul Abascal who was produced by actor Mel Gibson, PAPARAZZI. His last outstanding film was entitled THE GENIUS CLUB (2006), which he starred with Stephen Baldwin.
Regarding his personal life, the man who had been involved in drug problems and forced him to undergo rehabilitation was the ex-husband of actress Maeve Quinlan. Their marriage ended in 1993.