Born long name Zachary David Alexander Efron, this young actor began his career at the age of 11 when his parents saw Zac’s singing talent. From the vocal course he took, Zac later took part in a theater production such as GIPSY, PETER PAN, and AUNTIE MAME.

The role in the theater was immediately followed by Zac’s appearance on the glass screen. TV viewers may still remember the role of this young actor in the ER or FIREFLY TV series. Zac even acted as an autistic child in the MIRACLE RUN series around 2004.
Zac also appeared in CSI: MIAMI, HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, and HAIRSPRAY. In his role as Link Larkin at HAIRSPRAY, Zac was awarded the Young Hollywood Award.
Although he has only been working for 6 years, not a few films have starred in this young actor. No fewer than 25 film titles have included the name of this actor since 2002 until now. And from the 25 film titles, Zac has won no fewer than 6 awards.
Continuing the success of the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL film, Zac was invited to become the main actor with his lover, Vannesa Hudgens at HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 and HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3.